
《国外博彩app》(HEOA)在《国外博彩app》(PPA)中增加了一项要求,即参与第四章贷款计划的机构必须开发, publish, administer, and enforce a code of conduct. 国外博彩app遵守这一行为准则,因为它适用于官员, employees, and agents of the institution. 

除了大学规定的行为标准之外, the Enrollment Services Division, and Student Financial Services, employees of Seattle University and, in particular, 学生金融服务部门的员工, 受以下限制:

禁止与任何贷方进行收入分成安排. HEOA将“收入分享安排”定义为机构和贷款人之间的任何安排,根据该安排,贷款人向在该机构就读的学生(或这些学生的家庭)提供第四章贷款。, 机构推荐出借人或出借人的贷款产品, in exchange, 贷款人支付费用或提供其他物质利益, including revenue or profit-sharing, to the institution or to its officers, employees, or agents;

禁止学生金融服务部门的员工接受贷款人的礼物, guaranty agency or loan servicer. 国外博彩app学生金融服务的官员或雇员(或负责教育贷款的雇员或代理人)不得向贷款人索取或接受任何礼物, guarantor, or servicer of education loans. A “gift” is defined as any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, 或其他货币价值超过一美元的物品 de minimus amount. However, 礼物不包括(1)小册子, workshop, 或者使用与贷款相关的标准材料进行培训, default aversion, or financial literacy, such as a brochure, workshop or training; (2) food, training, 或作为培训课程的一部分提供的信息材料,旨在改善贷款人的服务, guarantor, 如果培训有助于国外博彩app管理人员的专业发展,则为服务人员, employee or agent; (3) favorable terms and benefits on an education loan provided to a student employed by Seattle University if those terms and benefits are comparable to those provided to all students at Seattle University; (4) entrance and exit counseling as long as Seattle University’s staff is in control of the counseling and the counseling does not promote the services of a specific lender; (5) philanthropic contributions from a lender, guarantor, 或与教育贷款无关的服务或与教育贷款无关的任何贡献, and; (6) State education grants, scholarships, 或由国家或代表国家管理的财政援助基金;

A ban on contracting arrangements. 国外博彩app学生金融服务的任何官员或员工(或负责教育贷款的员工或代理)都不会接受贷款人的贷款, or an affiliate of any lender, any fee, payment, 或其他经济利益,作为向贷款人或代表贷款人提供与教育贷款有关的任何咨询安排或合同的补偿;

禁止将借款人导向特定的贷款人或延迟贷款认证. For any first-time borrower, Seattle University will not assign, 通过奖品包装或其他方式, 借方向某一特定贷方提供的贷款. In addition, 国外博彩app不会拒绝认证, or delay the certification, 借款人选择特定贷款人或担保机构而获得的贷款;

禁止为私人贷款提供资金. 国外博彩app不会要求或接受任何贷款人提供的任何私人贷款资金, 包括机会池贷款的资金, 以换取向贷款人提供特定数量的第四章贷款的让步或承诺, insured, or guaranteed, a specified loan volume, or a preferred lender arrangement. “机会池贷款”的定义是由贷款人向学生(或学生的家庭)发放的私人教育贷款,由院校向贷款人付款,以延长对学生的信贷;

A ban on staffing assistance. 国外博彩app不会要求或接受任何贷款人在呼叫中心人员配置或学生金融服务人员配置方面的任何帮助, 但贷款人可以提供专业发展培训, 教育咨询材料(只要材料中注明协助准备材料的借方), or staffing services on a short-term, nonrecurring basis during emergencies or disasters; and

A ban on advisory board compensation. 国外博彩app学生金融服务的雇员(或负责教育贷款或经济援助的雇员),在咨询委员会任职, commission, 由出借人或担保人(或一组出借人或担保人)成立的集团不得从出借人那里接受任何有价值的东西, guarantor, or group, 雇员因担任董事会成员而产生的合理开支除外.